Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Irony of Ice

It's an understatement to say that I'm not a big fan of cold weather, or anything cold for that matter. I don't even like ice cubes in my water. So it really isn't suprising that I don't like ice storms. Especially when I'm the one shoveling the ice.

The other day we had one of those rare snow days in which my landlords left for work before the storm finished without touching the driveway. This wouldn't have been horrible if I hadn't needed to go out later to watch Jeremy (who's mom later called me as I was almost to the house to cancel...the best laid plans, right?). Anyway, in order to even get to my car without falling I needed to shovel. And shovel I did....almost the whole driveway in fact. I have to admit, I was kind of proud of myself. After all, last winter I could barely function in this sort of weather, let alone shovel it.

Then I woke up yeterday. With pain from my neck all the way down to my knees. The brunt of the pain was in my hips. An emergency appointment with my chiropractor was scheduled. His diagnosis? My lower back was seriously inflammed. Treatment? Ice...yes, the very thing that caused all the pain to begin with ended up being my treatment. Go figure. I still have a great deal of pain in my neck and shoulders today, but my lower back and hips are doing so much better :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I long for a definition
black and white
rules that govern
every circumstance.

I feel constricted by these rules though;
looking for loopholes

Life seems more grey than black and white;
circumstances and feelings change from day to day.
Walls are meant to keep out,
boundaries enforced to protect
but are these boundaries rigid or malleable?

How much can I let down my guard
without getting hurt
or giving false impressions?
Does changing the lines
result in confusion
or freedom?

I strive for perfection,
a consistency in what I do and say.
Keeping a perfect balance;
endless harmony.

Reality sets in however.
I'm bound to make mistakes,
give wrong impressions,
change the lines
or even cross over them.

Through it all You are with me
though I sometimes strive to hear Your voice.
The path may be faint
but I know it is the one You have for me.
And should I stray
You'll guide me back.
For You know the desires of my heart;
having my best interest in mind.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A New Year with New Experiences

Happy New Year everyone!

Today is my first official snow day from school, so I thought I'd take some time and write what's been going on in my life. I guess I should start with how I spent the holidays. This year was very different than other years. For one thing, Christmas was on a Saturday. For another we were forecasted to have a blizzard the day after Christmas. My parents and I decided not to spend the break in San Antonio visiting family, however because of the blizzard we also decided not to get together as a family this year. My brother stayed in the DC area and I stayed up here. I spent Christmas Eve rather sick - bad migraine - but I was able to get out for Christmas Eve service at my church and later dinner with friends. I had Christmas dinner at a friend's house and then spent the night at another friend's house watching movies. The blizzard came shortly after church the next day so I spent that day cleaning.

The rest of the week was spent with a friend from upstate NY who stayed with me. I also hung out with some other friends as well as spent some time watching Jeremy. For New Year's Eve I helped a friend host a New Year's Eve party which was alot of fun. I sort of learned how to play Mao (card game with rules that you have to figure out as you go along....I hated it at first, but by the end I enjoyed it) and for my birthday I got to hang out with my friend Cathy who was in the area.

I did see my family New Year's Eve during the afternoon. They came up with presents and then took me out to a restaurant. I got to pick the restaurant and chose Stir Crazy - which meant that my mom got to try a new experience. She did quite well with it. She ordered chicken teriyaki and said it was very good.

I've also been trying some new things. With my birthday money I purchased a curling iron and have been experimenting with it. I've always been afraid of curling irons because I feared burning myself. It is definitely one of those things I went to do AFTER coffee...and yet I still get some interesting hair styles :). It's a work in progress, but I've only slightly burned myself twice, so I consider it somewhat successful. The other new activity I've tried is sledding.

Now I realize that most people have been sledding numerous times, but since I grew up in the city sledding wasn't really a big activity. We did live on a hill, but that ended at a busy street, so it wasn't very conducive to sledding down. I've seen pictures of my dad pulling me on a sled when I was about 3 years old, but that's where the pictures stop. I went snow tubing in college, which resulted in a broken/sprained, yeah, I was sort of traumatized by the whole concept on sledding.

The first time I went down I screamed (though apparantly no one heard me). I went down several times after that in order to overcome the fear of flying down a snow covered hill. I was able to stop myself from screaming and at the end the experience became less terrifying, and maybe even fun - though believe me, I'm hardly ready to admit that fact to most people yet.