Monday, September 13, 2010


The storm isn't here yet.
I haven't gotten an answer yet.
The timing isn't right yet.
I don't feel like I fit in yet.
I'm not married yet.
We don't have any children yet.
I don't have a job yet.
The electric company hasn't turned off the power yet.
My house hasn't been foreclosed yet.
They haven't found a cure yet.

Trepidation, anxiety, confusion, hesitation, and bewilderment, mixed with a glimmer of hope
such emotions swirl around in the confines of a three letter word.
The unknown looming in an undetermined timeframe
filling our minds with unspoken questions and concerns,
turning our faith to doubt, our trust to wariness, and our peace to agitation.

But yet You promise never to leave us
or ever let Your children beg bread.
We say the same prayers over and over again
and yet You promise to hear us every time we cry out to You.
You know our dreams and desires as well as our weaknesses
and yet You love us still.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! Three little letters hold so much promise...'yet' has so much potential in it!
