Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Summer Firsts

This summer has been one in which I've done an array of things for the first time.  These include:

1) Going on a carnival spinning ride (pictured above).  In case you're not familiar with it, this ride swings back and forth like the familiar pirate ship while spinning around.  I went on it at night with Ray because he loves spinning rides.  I think he has permenant marks on his legs from where my fingers dug into him and is now deaf in his right ear from my constant screams.  I survived though:).  I was, however, a little traumatized and refused to go on another spinning ride afterwards.  I think I could handle one a night.  Next challenge: a rollar coaster.

2) Driving to/through Long Island: I've been to Long Island a couple of times, but have never actually driven myself there.  I went for Ray's family's get-together.

3) Eating a lobster tempura sushi roll with chopsticks.  Best thing ever!!!  Once you get it in your mouth that is :).

4) Being in a healthy dating relationship.

5) Making coffee in a 12 cup programmable coffeemaker.  I know, I know....I should have had one of these a LONG time ago.  Previously I either went to Dunkin Donuts for coffee or I made it in a single cup coffeemaker - and not the K-cup kind either.  It had a reusable filter that I had to rinse out each time I wanted another cup, the water never got very hot, and it wasn't programmable.  My mornings have been much improved because of this new addition.

6) Not getting a sunburn and having an actual tan.

7) Being financially stable.  This isn't to say that I'm rolling in money, but this is the first summer that I'm not behind on my rent/bills.  I can't say for sure how long this will last, but for right now I'm loving not being overly stressed about my lack of funds.

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