Sunday, September 18, 2016


Today is one of the cloudy, cool days, that remind me why I love the fall.  I have already seen some leaves changing color.  Something else is changing too.  Last year at this time I was stressed out to the max.  I had just started a new job in the Bronx as a 4th grade teacher with a co-teacher who was not the best fit for me.  Not only was I staying late at the school, but I would take my work home and practically work non-stop on the weekends.  Around this time the leadership decided to switch the classroom I was in and pair me with a very different co-teacher.  While the atmosphere during the school day was vastly different, I continued to take work home with me.  If I was working I was stressed and when I wasn't working I was stressed that I wasn't accomplishing anything.  Additionally I had just started a class once a month on Saturdays through the Christian and Missionary Alliance's Metro District which seemed to be more work than college and grad school combined.  I was overwhelmed, exhausted, and yet hardly sleeping.

I learned a lot through that year.  I learned that no matter how much work gets done, there is always more to do.  I learned that if I don't take care of myself I will reach the burnout point quicker.  Most importantly, I learned that when I put God first, everything else goes much smoother.

Today I am the Reading Interventionist.  This means that I don't work with a co-teacher or have a classroom.  Instead I have an office which I share with the Special Education Coordinator.  I push in to classrooms or I pull out small groups of students who need intensive reading support.  I am given projects by the Academic Dean as well as the Principal.  While this is my dream job, I find that my time is incredibly demanding.  Students want to be in my office all the time, teachers come and find me when they have questions or need support with something, and leadership wants meetings with me to discuss the future.  I seldom have a moment to myself.  Just like last year I am also taking another class through the Christian and Missionary Alliance.  This time, instead of learning more about who God is and who I am through Christ, I am learning how to speak publicly about all God has done, and continues to do, in my life.

While life does look different on the outside, the real difference is on the inside.  I am sitting here writing this post, not because I've accomplished the myriad of things on my to-do list, but because I am confident that no matter what, God is in control.  It is only by the power of God through me that I can walk into school confident that I can help others.  It is only by the power of God through me that I know He will make a way when there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to get everything done.  It is only by the power of God through me that not only can I lead a professional development seminar for other teachers, but that I can stand in front of others and share my testimony of God's goodness, mercy, healing, and power in my life.  And it is definitely only through the power of God through me that I can leave my work at school and not bring it home with me.  While there have been some times where I do spend some time at home working on a project, this is typically when Ray isn't home.  This year I am being intentional about resting and creating healthy boundaries between work and home.

For thus the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel, has said, "In repentance and rest you will be saved, In quietness and trust is your strength."  Isaiah 30:15

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.  Philippians 1:6

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