Monday, January 23, 2012

I wish I had gotten a picture of "Chippy" before we captured him - oh well.  I especially wished I had had my camera when I walked into my bedroom and saw Meiska and him sitting next to each other.  Meiska has a personality which makes her want to befriend all types of animals.  I'm glad she doesn't live outdoors or she'd never survive!

In case you're wondering who Chippy is, he is a chipmunk who came to live with me for a few days.  I discovered him when a rustling sound woke me up in the middle of Tuesday night.  I usually lock my cats out of the bedroom while I'm sleeping, so at first I thought maybe Jekyll had somehow gotten into my room and was misbehaving again.  I keep a flashlight near my bed for such occasions.  When I shone it around the room however, what I saw made me sit straight up and nearly scream.  There was a chipmunk sitting on my laundry basket.  He quickly ran away to another corner of my bedroom.  Ray let the cats in to investigate.  Jekyll immediately smelled Chippy and kept him cornered under a nightstand.  Since it was after 3am we decided it would be best to just let the cats stand guard.  Believe me, I hardly got any sleep that night.

Ray spent the next day working on my apartment while Jekyll kept watch over Chippy and I went to work.  The next night I barely heard any sounds, but around 4am there ensued a game of "tag" between Jekyll and Chippy.  I didn't get up to see what was happening, but I kept having visions of finding a dead chipmunk in the morning.  The next night went similarly, but this time I was awake enough to see the game of tag.  Chippy was getting bold enough to jump on the bed (thankfully I wasn't in it).  I saw him leap from my garment rack, climb up my dresser and onto the printer.  Only I would have a chipmunk with ninja-like abilities.  Meiska was sitting next to the printer at the time so I thought Chippy might be captured right then and there, but the two of them just sat there like old pals.  Goodness.

Ray finally managed to capture Chippy late Friday night.  Chippy was on top of my garment rack and Ray was able to cover him with his hand until I got a tupperware container.  Chippy almost escaped except that I store the plastic that goes over your dry cleaning on top of the rack and in his attempt to escape managed to get tangled in that.  Ray put Chippy in the tupperware container and carried him outside.  At first I was concerned that Chippy would remember how to get back in, but we've made it through the weekend chipmunk-free :D.

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