In case you wonder what a typical day in my life is like, here are some highlights:
Being greeted in the morning by Max getting off the bus with his hands in the air and saying in his loudest voice possible "I AM A COMPUTER! ALL SYSTEMS A-OK!".
Rodney sleepwalking off the bus (how this is possible with Max still astounds me).
Emmanuel telling me no less than 20 times over the course of the day "Christopher's copying me!!!" This is especially intriguing during morning work time when they are each writing their own this is copying I still don't understand.
Christopher asking me 5 times in 10 minutes "Uh, what's your name again?".
Disciplining Tyler and having him throw an all out screaming tantrum while becoming a cling-on and having to pry him off of me.
Watching to make sure Jack doesn't bite, scratch, or choke me.
Feeding small bites of a sandwich to Aiden who otherwise would put the whole thing in his mouth while crying because it's clean up time. I either have the choice to watch him choke to death or have him spit out the sandwich into a napkin. In case you actually are wondering, I've chosen the second option in the past :).
Small glimpses of children who are slowly gaining comprehension and social skills.
Focusing Tyler, who is my sweet space cadet. One day I want to take a trip to the planet he lives on.
Watching Ben smile. He can't remember anything he did after he left school the day before, but he has the BEST smile.
Getting hugs from Connor. He gives the best hugs ever and has the sweetest eyes.
All this and so much more happen between the hours of 9am and 3:15pm. Today the teacher was at a meeting during the morning so we had a sub. Before she left she came over to me and said "You must be exhausted at the end of your day." Well, I sometimes wish 3:15 was the end of my day, but it's just the middle. I rarely have any trouble sleeping though!
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