Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Things I Have Actually Said to my Cats

I have had cats since I was 10 years old and for the life of me I'd never thought I'd hear myself say any of the following:

"Seriously?!? It's just rain! Go back to sleep!"

"If I have to get out of bed and open this door neither one of us will be happy!
"Come back in an hour"

"It's not my fault if I decapitate you because you stuck your neck out the door."

"Does everything on the table have to be on the floor?" Followed by "If you choose to drop something you need to be able to pick it up."

"Can you throw up on the hardwood floor?"
"Why is the picture on my tv blurry? Have you been playing with the cable again?"
"Get out of the refrigerator."
And my all time favorite one: "Stop drinking my coffee"


  1. Ha! Sounds like things I have said to the girls on occasion... =) (But pee on the hardwood floor, not throw up.)

  2. Love it! I've asked the cats to puke on the hardwood floor instead of the carpet too!

  3. I told my dog to use her indoor voice today:)
