I look out on the icy path before me.
How glorious the world looks encased in snow and ice;
silent, peaceful, dangerous.
And so I take a step gingerly,
holding my breath;
anticipation fills my soul.
Still standing I take yet another.
Slowly I make my way down.
Gaining confidence
I go a little faster.
But the ice is slicker than I anticipated;
It catches me off guard.
I clutch the air
as my knees give way.
Heart pounding
I'm on the ground.
I hurt too much to move,
cold wind lashes my face
as my tears stream down.
Why did I take this path I wonder;
Will I ever get back on my feet?
Then suddenly the gray clouds part
revealing a faint winter's sun.
The wind stills
replaced by a radiant warmth
that gives me hope.
I reach out my hand and You grasp it.
I struggle to stand
holding tight to Your hand.
I still feel the ache of my fall
yet the warmth in Your eyes dulls my pain.
Though the ice is still perilous
You teach me to walk.
Not gingerly, not quickly;
but confidently, steadfastly,
keeping my hand in Yours
and my eyes on You.
As I become enraptured by this winter's world once again.